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How to Calculate the Metal core PCB Trace Width

Article source:Editor:Sun&Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:1343Dated :10-14-2021 06:47【big well Small

It is advisable to use a Metal core PCB trace width calculator to find the trace width. You simply need to enter the design specifications into the calculator, such as the tolerable current in amperage, the length of the copper foil, and the change in temperature caused by trail resistance. After entering these specifications, the device will carry out its computation and provide the least width you need to meet the design specifications you entered.

The computed width will facilitate the smooth transmission of current without damaging the board. The trace width of the inner layers may be bigger than that of the outer layers because they are more likely to generate more heat. The external layers produce less heat because of convection effects.

It is not advisable to just establish the general Metal core PCB trace or apply a simple principle to find the trace resistance. You should calculate both the circuit board traces and trace width. Doing so will assist you in minimizing the Metal core PCB trace resistance factor.


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