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Metal core PCB Manufacturing and 5G

Article source:Editor:Sun&Lynn Mobile phone view
Popularity:1268Dated :08-27-2021 05:17【big well Small

The next generation wireless networking technology, namely 5G or fifth generation, is expectedly going to change the way people live and work. Compared to the latest technology today, the 4G LTE, 5G will be faster and capable of handling significantly more connected devices. Although 5G networks have started rolling out around 2018 in the US and other parts of the world, the technology is still is in its infancy. However, the industry has a huge potential.

Sun & Lynn Metal core PCB factory understands the impact that 5G will have on electronic devices. There will be profound impact primarily on data traffic and faster data rates—implying requirements of significant manufacturing innovations for handling the demand for scale and quality. Almost all industries will feed the impact of 5G, starting from entertainment to mobile phones to industrial applications and transportation. However, the biggest impact is likely to be on the PCB manufacturing industry, as printed circuit boards are the basis of all electronic products.

The reason for this impact is the operating frequency—5G devices operate in frequency bands at least five times higher than 4G devices do. The higher frequency bands allow 5G networks to transfer more data at faster rates, around 100 times faster than 4G networks can. At such high frequencies, everything is smaller, including components, board size, and interconnections, while performance of the signal as it travels across the board becomes paramount.

If not handled correctly, the degradation of signal in the PCB can delay the transmission, and impact data flow at the same time. PCB designers and manufacturers must ensure proper signal integrity in their design and fabrication of circuit boards. Rush PCB Inc. is handling such issues with the use of mSAP or modified semi-additive processes. The mSAP process ensures creation of traces with precision cross-section, leading to better impedance control and signal integrity.


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